Mike Tyson is adamant he would win a street fight against Floyd Mayweather in his prime.

As part of their ongoing Actually Me series, GQ Sports asked Tyson a handful of questions when they finally got him to predict the outcome of a street fight between Floyd Mayweather and Iron Mike in his prime.

“I think I would really kick Floyd’s ass in a street fight,” Tyson said. “It wouldn’t even be no match.”

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Tyson, a former heavyweight champion, stated while he would get the better of Mayweather if the two were to take part in a scrap, he did reveal that Money May would win on points if they were the same weight.

“But probably if I was his size in the ring, he would outpoint me,” he added. “He has a really good technique for his style, he’s really great at what he does.”

When it comes to being regarded as the greatest boxer ever, Tyson thinks that concept goes beyond his success in the ring.

“Listen, if he was anywhere near that realm of great as Muhammad Ali, he’d be able to take his kids to school by himself,” Tyson explained in 2017. “OK, he can’t take his kids to school by himself, and he’s talking about he’s great? Greatness is not guarding yourself from the people. It’s being accepted by the people.”