Breaking News: King Charles withdraws Meghan Markle’s security for 48 hours after she disobeys his order.


Breaking News: King Charles withdraws Meghan Markle’s security for 48 hours after she disobeys his order.Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s controversial decision to step down as “senior royals” has resulted in a heated backlash from parts of the British public in recent weeks



. Despite the royal couple insisting they wanted to be independent from the monarchy, they said they would still require public-funded protection for themselves and their son Archie. Outraged Britons argued if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would no longer be engaging in royal duties then their security should no longer be funded by the public.



Security expert Richard Aitch, the director of operations for Mobius International told the royal couple must still receive public security rather than private as there was an “astronomical” difference in the quality of protection service.

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