How the feud between Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese started

Everything to Know About Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese Feud

The exact moment that the feud between Clark and Reese started is unclear, but it’s safe to assume that the drama between the athletes stems from one reason in particular.

From an outsider’s perspective, it appears Clark receives far more attention in the WNBA than Reese does.

Since the subject of race is a hot topic of controversy, many people want to avoid the notion that Clark could be receiving preferential treatment… but others are convinced that’s the case.

One huge example would be the time Reese was given a flagrant foul against Clark based on a referee call she didn’t agree with. During her press conference after the game, she voiced her frustrations and made it abundantly clear that she was enraged over the situation.

The rivalry between Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese, two of the most prominent figures in women’s college basketball, has captured the attention of fans and media alike. This feud, characterized by on-court intensity and off-court commentary, started during the 2023 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament.

The Initial Spark

The tension between the two athletes became particularly noticeable during the Final Four matchups. Caitlin Clark, a standout player for the Iowa Hawkeyes, had been dominating the tournament with her scoring and playmaking abilities. On the other hand, Angel Reese, a key player for the LSU Tigers, was making headlines for her strong performances and assertive style of play.

The Gesture Controversy

The feud reached a boiling point during the championship game between Iowa and LSU. During the game, Reese mimicked a gesture made famous by WWE superstar John Cena — the “You Can’t See Me” move — directed at Clark. This gesture, typically used to signify dominance or dismissal, was seen by many as a direct taunt. Clark had previously used the same gesture in earlier rounds of the tournament, which added fuel to the fire when Reese used it against her.

Post-Game Reactions

After the game, which LSU won, the media and fans exploded with opinions about the gesture. Some viewed Reese’s actions as unsportsmanlike, while others saw it as a justified response within the competitive nature of the sport. Reese defended her actions by highlighting the double standards in how male and female athletes are judged for similar behavior.

Broader Implications

The feud between Clark and Reese is more than just a personal rivalry; it reflects broader discussions about sportsmanship, gender, and race in athletics. Both athletes have since spoken about the incident, with Clark downplaying the gesture’s significance and Reese emphasizing her right to express confidence and competitiveness on the court.


While the rivalry between Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese may have started with a simple gesture, it has grown into a significant talking point in sports. It highlights the intensity of competition and the complexities of athlete interactions in the public eye. As both players continue their careers, their interactions will likely remain under scrutiny, adding an intriguing layer to their already impressive legacies.

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