Britney Griner’s Grandmother Pas::sed Away – She Left Half

of Her Estate to “My Grandson Bart”

Looks like a scandal is about to brew.

The late Josephine Barron didn’t have a lot. It’s who she left it to that’s raising eyebrows.

This was a rough one, patriots. As you may know, ALLOD put a moratorium on transgender-related issues because it’s a topic that exploits one of the most marginalized groups in America today. It’s the new abortion. We won’t have any part of that.

But this…isn’t that. This is like when they all decided Michelle Obama was a man. This headline is actually a Mike Robinson original. For some reason, even when it’s not an issue, they feel the need to make it one. We’re here to exploit that kind of thing. So Britney Griner, a woman from birth, who is not now nor never was she a male, is fair game as tater bait.

Sorry, Britney. It’s not you. It’s me. God Bless America.